I have cynical bastard syndrome. I apologize for my abrasive personality, idiots.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Velvet Underground, very rare find.
So I was listening to the radio during work and they started talking about this ebay auction that was related to some dude who owns a record store here in north portland. The auction will be over by the time anyone reads this but check it out. This is the first time I've heard of this record, but apparently it has had a lot of exposure in magazines since being discovered in 2002. There is a ton of information on the description so I'll not describe it. As of now, THIS record is going for $155,501.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Depeche Mode cover by Lacuna Coil
Watch this video. First of all, its actually a good cover of "enjoy the silence", and second of all.. all the video shots they show are of Portland and somewhere along the coast. I didn't even realize it the first time I watched because I was just listening to it. Cool eh?
Check out Lacuna Coil
Check out Lacuna Coil
Saturday, June 10, 2006
A new car!
So I bought a new car today. I wasn't even planning on doing it but it just ended up going that way. I was just going to refinance my car.. but it just wasn't going to benefit me that well since my car had 176,000 miles on it. I was reluctant to look at new cars right now because my plan was to wait until I left this job to get a new car because I didn't want to start racking up miles on it.. in case anyone doesn't know, I drive all day for work so I can generally put about 3500 to 4000 miles a month on my car. Anyway, long story short, the benefits were too good to pass up. For one, my interest rate went from 30% to 10%, which I'm hoping to get lowered even further in a few months. Also, the car has the factory warranty because it is a 2006 model, which is awesome. The car has 14,000 miles on it now.. I think the dude drove it on the highway a lot because I found a receipt in the car with a california address.. it also had the full credit card number and expiration date on it as well.. so you know, if I was morally corrupt I could take advantage of that. Also, the biggest reason I wanted to get this done was so I can continue to raise my credit. Before I bought my last car I was in the high 500 range on my beacon score due to me being an idiot in past years. After having my pontiac for the time I have, it went up over 635.. and now with this it should hopefully get close to 700 or over after I'm established. Also, with my last loan it was with a bank that deals with high-risk people,etc.. so now I'm going through an actual bank which is great. Anyway, there is plenty more but whatever. The car I got is a Chevy Malibu Maxx LT, so it has quite a few options already standard, and also has a 201hp v6 which is a nice bump from the 175 I had before. It has a lot of cool things but the coolest is the standard remote start option, apparently it was the first vehicle in its class to offer a factory-installed remote vehicle starter system. Its the first day so I haven't had time to get used to it, but it seems really cool so far, I'm happy.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Maddox rules
I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with Maddox, but I have been reading his stuff for a few years now. I can't wait for his book to come out, its going to rule. Here is an article CNN just wrote about him. CNN ARTICLE
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
A Load of Crap!
I know you're all familiar with it, but I thought this was a pretty good way of getting the point across to people who are not so familiar with it. CRAP
Monday, May 08, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Urban Ninja rules!
I would assume if any of you are cool, you have seen this, but if not.. here it is!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
New stuff rules

This rules, I finally got a nice speaker system for my computer. Actually, once I move out of here.. and into a house, I'll be hooking this bad boy up to my tv, thats how much it rules. I got the Logitech Z-5500 5.1 dolby digital,thx certified badass mofo setup. It retails for $400 but I got it from Zipzoomfly for $236 with free shipping, and it only took 3 days to get here, it was awesome! It comes with 4 satellites, plus a center sattelite (all of them swivel for wall mounting), and an enormous enclosed 10 inch sub. Plus it has this awesome control center that does everything, and the remote has all the settings on it as well. I wasn't expecting this sub to be so big.. the enclosure is huge and has a flared port on one side.. hell it takes up half the space under my desk!. The only thing that sucks is that I can't even attempt to turn this thing up past a few notches since I live in this apartment. I can't wait to move out of here. I'm going to get an optical line to hook it up with pretty soon, and I'm going to upgrade my soundcard in my pc eventually too so it will really kick ass. Here is a link to the site if anyone gives a shit. Logitech Z-5500
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Apparently this movie has filming that was just completed partially around Astoria. I was just looking up the game Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth on gamespot and somehow was eventually linked to a main site of the movie which has a trailer showing portions of Astoria, including the bridge. I think someone was telling me about casting calls being done in Astoria again but they weren't sure what movie it was for, so I imagine this is it. I'm a fan of Lovecraft, so I'm hoping this movie doesn't suck.. I mean Tori Spelling is in it, c'mon now. Anyway, if anyone cares, here is a link to the the movie site CTHULHU. Here is some random site I found with a bunch of info, astoriamovies.com
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Wikipedia is the awesomest
I have been obsessed with using wikipedia lately.. I never really checked it out until the last couple months and its ridiculous how long I will sit on it. I'll type in a subject, then as I'm reading through it there are all these links so I will keep clicking and reading and digging myself deeper into wikipedia world.. and then I end up backtracking all the way to where I first started like 3 hours later, its insane! You can look up pretty much anything on it and damn I have learned a lot.. hell whats the point of school when I can read wikipedia! Ok, maybe I wouldn't go that far but man.. its addicting
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Trent Reznor's cousin

So none of you know my roommate, Matt, and Derek is the only one who has met him. Anyway, he grew up in cleveland, ohio and the surrounding areas and moved here about 4 years ago I guess. A long time ago he told me he knew Trent Reznor's cousin seeing as he lived in Cleveland and Trent had also lived there for awhile many years ago as well. I think Matt actually met him when he was living in columbus.. anyway thats irrelevant. Here is a LINK to a wikipedia bio if anyone cares.. besides Derek who I'm sure knows all of it already.
Anyway, the point of me writing this is because Matt was organizing a bunch of stuff and found the business card of Trent's cousin.. his name is Jeff obviously. I blacked the phone numbers in case any crazies stumble on my blog and would actually care enough to call him. I thought the business hours were funny too so I took a picture of the back of the card. Cool eh!?
Sunday, February 12, 2006
I hate roosters
So, I assume most know I live in Beaverton.. pretty close to downtown to be exact so the odds of my neighbor having roosters would be pretty slim one would assume. Unfortunately for me there are two of these little bastards a couple houses down and when I say little I mean little.. I've never seen such small roosters, which makes it even more annoying. If you're going to get roosters, at least get big burly roosters.. hell a cat could own one of these things. So as you know, roosters have some way of knowing when to start being annoying assholes.. which happens to be from about 330 am till I'd say 630.. maybe longer. First of all.. why do you have roosters? A couple of times I've seen them hanging out in the road and I could have ran them down if I really wanted but it was during the day with no chance of escaping without being seen. I called the police lastnight but it was around 5 in the morning and the cops probably took their sweet-ass time getting there I'm sure so of course nothing happened and I fell back asleep luckily. I'm going to have to pursue this in more depth seeing as I think there may be a law stating that you cannot have livestock running around loose in the city.. so I hope to god I come up with something because these stupid ass roosters are annoying enough to wake me up when I'm sleeping, and this blows. Speaking of which, they stopped crowing for a few minutes so I'm going to try to get to sleep before they start again.... oh wait, nevermind, FUCK YOU ROOSTERS!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Cake mix rules
Monday, January 16, 2006
Digital Cameras Rule!
So I finally bought a digital camera and I'm happy as hell with it. I got it on sale but it was still pretty expensive, but I figured hell.. if I'm going to buy a digital camera, then I'm going to get an awesome one. Anyway, here is the one I got, its a Casio Exilim EX-Z750.. and it has everything I need and want, including an all metal case, 7.2 megapixel resolution, a big 2.5 inch screen and a viewfinder. Also, it takes awesome pictures, and one of the best selling points is that it has great video recording quality, plus you can record in mpeg4 so you can have smaller file sizes.. it fucking rules!! Oh and the battery lasts for a very long time as well.. so anyway I'm really excited obviously.
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