Saturday, February 18, 2006

Trent Reznor's cousin

So none of you know my roommate, Matt, and Derek is the only one who has met him. Anyway, he grew up in cleveland, ohio and the surrounding areas and moved here about 4 years ago I guess. A long time ago he told me he knew Trent Reznor's cousin seeing as he lived in Cleveland and Trent had also lived there for awhile many years ago as well. I think Matt actually met him when he was living in columbus.. anyway thats irrelevant. Here is a LINK to a wikipedia bio if anyone cares.. besides Derek who I'm sure knows all of it already.

Anyway, the point of me writing this is because Matt was organizing a bunch of stuff and found the business card of Trent's cousin.. his name is Jeff obviously. I blacked the phone numbers in case any crazies stumble on my blog and would actually care enough to call him. I thought the business hours were funny too so I took a picture of the back of the card. Cool eh!?

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I hate roosters

So, I assume most know I live in Beaverton.. pretty close to downtown to be exact so the odds of my neighbor having roosters would be pretty slim one would assume. Unfortunately for me there are two of these little bastards a couple houses down and when I say little I mean little.. I've never seen such small roosters, which makes it even more annoying. If you're going to get roosters, at least get big burly roosters.. hell a cat could own one of these things. So as you know, roosters have some way of knowing when to start being annoying assholes.. which happens to be from about 330 am till I'd say 630.. maybe longer. First of all.. why do you have roosters? A couple of times I've seen them hanging out in the road and I could have ran them down if I really wanted but it was during the day with no chance of escaping without being seen. I called the police lastnight but it was around 5 in the morning and the cops probably took their sweet-ass time getting there I'm sure so of course nothing happened and I fell back asleep luckily. I'm going to have to pursue this in more depth seeing as I think there may be a law stating that you cannot have livestock running around loose in the city.. so I hope to god I come up with something because these stupid ass roosters are annoying enough to wake me up when I'm sleeping, and this blows. Speaking of which, they stopped crowing for a few minutes so I'm going to try to get to sleep before they start again.... oh wait, nevermind, FUCK YOU ROOSTERS!