So I thought I'd make another post about my car sucking ass. I haven't been able to drive it for over a week now, and I had to make a trip to corvallis with my dad to pick up my sisters truck and have been driving it all week. I'm pissed because my parents helped me out when the original engine I had in my car blew up a couple years ago, and they paid for one of those crate engines to be shipped from japan and had it installed. Then engine probably had about 30 thousand miles on it, and I've put another 26 thousand or so miles on it in the past couple years, and I thought nothing of it. Anyway, the engine cost over a grand to ship and have installed and it only had a 6 month warranty on it which I wasn't too worried about because its a honda engine after all. Anyway, a few weeks ago it started acting up, whenever I'd come to a stop it would shut off so I was having to drive around and when I came to a stop I had to put it into neutral and keep my foot on the gas so it wouldn't die which was a real bitch I tell ya. So come to find out, its only running on 3 cylinders and one of my pistons is broken and I've also got a problem with oil coming up into my air cleaner and contaminating it with a pool of oil. So it fucking sucks because they say it could cost 2 to 4 times more than what I paid for my engine to get it fixed and obviously thats not worth it. I have went looking for cars a couple times already but wasn't set on what I wanted to do because 1. my credit isn't too great right now and 2. I wasn't sure how much I could really afford for payments and insurance together. I've decided after finding out from one place that they were going to finance me with an apr of 24%, that what I would do is get a car that costs about 5 grand or so, then after I pay on it for 6 months or so, build up my credit and then use the car as a trade in when I find a nicer car I'd like to have. So thats the plan right now, and tomorrow I'm gonna go look for a car and hopefully find one I like for that price. I hate car shopping and I hate when car salesman try to pull shit on people, and I have a very low tolerance for people who feed me bullshit.. and I've already experienced some of that, so hopefully I can get this shit done tomorrow and not become extremely annoyed in the process.
That sucks
You need a motorcycle.
Dude you're fucking huge now. Last time I saw you was about three years ago. I still think I could kick your ass though. Why do I think that you might ask? The answer is, because I rule.
dude, I don't think I'd get much use out of a motorcycle in this part of the state, plus I always carry a lot of shit with me in my car.
haha, you probably could kick my ass man.. oh well I don't imagine I'll be pissing you off anytime soon though to render a beating so its cool.
You could totally take down JB. He's all talk, and you know, you're huge.
Man we have all had the piece of shit cars. I miss my old '86 dog catcher bondo ford ranger. That truck ruled, oh wait, it sucked.
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