Thursday, April 28, 2005

Do not fear.. I is here.. and I fucking rule

So I attempted to post one of my usual giant posts last week, and after I copied it, I accidentally copied something else then when I hit back the page fucked up and I was left with blank space and nothing to paste to it. So I said fuck it because that took forever, kinda like this one will seeing as I tend to write about once a month. So as for stuff going on? well.. not a whole lot, I've watched a bunch of movies, but I've only seen a few in the theater. Sin City fucking rules and I've seen it twice already.. I haven't seen a movie that good in a long time, so I'm very pleased and eager for it to come out on dvd. The Ring 2 was ok, not as good as the first one.. but it had its moments, those that were good and those that blew. It was cool seeing them driving around astoria though even though I hate astoria, and funny to see how they made astor school the hospital and put the daily astorian down by the waterfront, for the scenery obviously.. because the hospital and the daily astorian are both in crappy locations. Also, my car is running good.. and despite having to pay a bunch of money for payments and insurance, it was a good decision in the long run I think. Here are a couple pictures of a car that looks like mine except I don't have the scoop hood, I don't have any pictures of my actual car yet sorry to say. Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by
So I haven't really been a game addict for the past several years for some reason.. I tend to get bored pretty easily now, so the only time I really play is if something really cool comes out and I just have a urge to play it, or I go visit Derek, in which case we play xbox all day. So I rented The Punisher because I read about it and it sounded really violent, and for some reason violent games keep my attention, though I'm as timid as a lamb so I don't get it! Anyway, its a pretty cool game in my opinion, it kept my attention and it was fun bludgeoning people and shooting them and stabbing them in the face, but the only drawback was when you do one of the special interrogations, and you decide you want to kill them even though you lose points.. it turns black and white, that sucks but oh well. go HERE if you want . Oh and my neighbor is a bitch, they play anything from lame ass hip hop to pink floyd and its hard to comprehend why.. although I think they listen to floyd when they're getting high.. what a shock. Like that whore knows anything about pink floyd, she sucks.. I'm sure the dudes who come over bring that music, along with eric clapton and.. the eagles.. but then back to hip hop, anyway.. the reason I'm bringing up music is because she plays this shit LOUD anytime of the day or night and I would like to smash her stereo with a bat. I am really losing faith in people and their lack of common sense these days.. its really taking its toll. I mean don't you know your bass carries? seriously, we can hear the music through the wall like it was in our own room, and matt is slammed with schoolwork and can't concentrate since her room is on the other side of his. The only reason we gave up on our numerous complaints was because we were told she was leaving in may, but now we've found that is probably not the case. For her sake, she better be moving or the shit is going to hit the fan.

Hey Nathan, remember this? You guys took my big screwdriver away from me but I don't know why, look at me, I was fine! Image hosted by here are the rest: 1 2 3 4


WNW said...

That was the drunkest I've seen just about anyone.

Big D Sims said...

Um the astorian is by the waterfront now dumbass. oh and Nathan, I have been way more drunk than that on numerous occasions.

Rob said...

it is? weird.. whats the point of moving it there, is it bigger? by the way, you're more of a dumbass than I am. Oh and Nathan, I've been more drunk than that a few times, but I was pretty tanked that day don't get me wrong

WNW said...

He was drunker than I've seen you D, and I've seen you awful drunk. He was drunker than you the time you tried to put the moves on Emily Gannaway

Big D Sims said...

Were you at Trent's the time I drank a 5th of vodka and a 5th of peach schnopps, I blacked out that night for the first time. Woke up at like 4 in the morning in just my boxers sitting indian style in a chair. Got up to take a piss and passed out again in the bathroom while pissing no less, and hit my head on the toilet bowl and woke up lying on the floor next to the toilet the next day. I really don't remember much, but apparently I body surfed his stairs several times in just my boxers and things of that nature. I swore off vodka for like a year after that. Never been so sick in my life. Wow...Good Times!

Rob said...

damn.. it was summer of '99 I think.. could have been '98 but I'm pretty sure it was '99.. You weren't there, that was when Justin and I followed Nathan back to his place from astoria, because he hung out with us the night before. We stayed the drunk then went to the falls and some cliffs and some ropeswing that I didn't go on because I wussed out for some reason.