Saturday, November 05, 2005

Stuff and Things

Yeah, so last week I was driving along in vancouver for work and I came to a stop at a light. There are two lanes that turn to the right and I was in the left lane, this other lady in a minivan was next to me on the right.. so we start to go.. and she gets distracted by her kid and inevitably sideswipes me.. yay. So she was all set to just stop in the middle of traffic until I told her to pull over to a parking lot and then I proceeded to curse and yell. We get out of our cars and she is asking if I'm ok and she is all nervous and blah blah.. I tell her I'm fine and that I just need to get her information because I'm working and need to get going. She keeps saying.. "I'm so sorry, my baby started crying and I was distracted and I don't know what happened." I was like, well.. you ran into me is what happened. So she didn't have her insurance papers which I wasn't happy about, but I got all her other information and told her I would call her later. So I called her later, got a answering machine, she called back.. and the conversation was basically that she had a clean driving record and wanted to keep it that way.. and she discussed it with her husband and with my approval they would like to pay for the damage. I told her I would think about it and then later on I called her back and we agreed that I would go get a couple estimates and then they would give me a check for the amount it would be. She said she would like if I would get one of the estimates done at a place close to where she lives which is in Camas. I told her that I live in Beaverton, so that was too inconvenient, and that even if they gave a cheaper estimate, I still wouldn't go there, because its my decision to make.. just like it is if you go through insurance. I went and got a few estimates.. one for 900, another for 1050, and another for 1205. I told her I would like to go to the place that was going to charge 1205 because I liked it better and that I would also need to rent a car, so they agreed with everything and cut me a check for 1255. The damage to my car isn't too bad.. she hit the passenger side and dented up my front fender, ripped the mirror off and the passenger door won't open, I'm assuming because the fender is obstructing it somehow. It sucks that I have to fix it because I could sure use that 1255 bucks for stuff. Oh and of course I'm going to the place that quoted me 900 for the repairs.. I figure since I've had to drive around with a fucked up car, and because I'm saving them a good amount of money by not reporting the incident, that I'm entitled to some of that cash.. hell if it was me in her position, I would have just given the person an extra few hundred bucks for the favor. Anyway, my sister is going to let me borrow her car for a few days so I can get around for work, she is so generous lately, how nice.


WNW said...

due, by law anything over $400 gets reported to the police by the shop. At leat I'm pretty sure that how it works.

Rob said...

Well that wouldn't make any sense since it doesn't coincide with oregon law when reporting an accident to police and/or insurance companies.

811.720 When accident must be reported: You must report your accident if it happened on a highway or premise open to the public, and resulted in any of the following: 1) More than $1500 in damage to your vehicle; 2) More than $1500 in damage to any one person’s property; 3) A vehicle towed from the scene as a result of the damage; 4) Injury to any person (no matter how minor the injury); or, 5) the death of any person:

(a) The reporting requirements for drivers under ORS 811.725.

(b) The reporting requirements for occupants of vehicles in accidents under ORS 811.735.

(c) The reporting requirements for owners of vehicles under ORS 811.730

Plus, 400 dollars is a very small amount, that would be lame as hell.

WNW said...

Yeah, well I heard that stat in drivers ed 12 years ago. Maybe it changed.