I have cynical bastard syndrome. I apologize for my abrasive personality, idiots.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Stuff and Things
Yeah, so last week I was driving along in vancouver for work and I came to a stop at a light. There are two lanes that turn to the right and I was in the left lane, this other lady in a minivan was next to me on the right.. so we start to go.. and she gets distracted by her kid and inevitably sideswipes me.. yay. So she was all set to just stop in the middle of traffic until I told her to pull over to a parking lot and then I proceeded to curse and yell. We get out of our cars and she is asking if I'm ok and she is all nervous and blah blah.. I tell her I'm fine and that I just need to get her information because I'm working and need to get going. She keeps saying.. "I'm so sorry, my baby started crying and I was distracted and I don't know what happened." I was like, well.. you ran into me is what happened. So she didn't have her insurance papers which I wasn't happy about, but I got all her other information and told her I would call her later. So I called her later, got a answering machine, she called back.. and the conversation was basically that she had a clean driving record and wanted to keep it that way.. and she discussed it with her husband and with my approval they would like to pay for the damage. I told her I would think about it and then later on I called her back and we agreed that I would go get a couple estimates and then they would give me a check for the amount it would be. She said she would like if I would get one of the estimates done at a place close to where she lives which is in Camas. I told her that I live in Beaverton, so that was too inconvenient, and that even if they gave a cheaper estimate, I still wouldn't go there, because its my decision to make.. just like it is if you go through insurance. I went and got a few estimates.. one for 900, another for 1050, and another for 1205. I told her I would like to go to the place that was going to charge 1205 because I liked it better and that I would also need to rent a car, so they agreed with everything and cut me a check for 1255. The damage to my car isn't too bad.. she hit the passenger side and dented up my front fender, ripped the mirror off and the passenger door won't open, I'm assuming because the fender is obstructing it somehow. It sucks that I have to fix it because I could sure use that 1255 bucks for stuff. Oh and of course I'm going to the place that quoted me 900 for the repairs.. I figure since I've had to drive around with a fucked up car, and because I'm saving them a good amount of money by not reporting the incident, that I'm entitled to some of that cash.. hell if it was me in her position, I would have just given the person an extra few hundred bucks for the favor. Anyway, my sister is going to let me borrow her car for a few days so I can get around for work, she is so generous lately, how nice.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
funny shit
Ok, if any of you listen to the radio at all, you have heard one of these commercials.. I know there are probably more, but this link seemed to have a lot of them.. I love these budlight commercials
I'm Alive!
Yeah I haven't posted in a very long time, whatever, no one cares except Nathan. Let me tell you about everything shitty going on, because there is plenty. You know the old expression, "when it rains, it pours"? Yeah, well its a shitstorm with me. So at the end of June, I had to leave intel, and it was in no way job related. Back in 2000 when I worked at safeway in Bend, I ended up getting caught for taking a couple things, so I had to go to court and got a shoplifting charge on my record. Now, Intel is very strict about background checks obviously, and decided they had to restrict my access and terminate my employment because of this charge. Since I was hired on through a staffing company, they also had to terminate me because of this charge. Isn't it great how they tell me everything is fine and they hire me, allow me to quit my other job, then do the background check a month later and fire me? Yeah, its fucking awesome. Also, I don't care what anyone says.. most people have shoplifted before, they just didn't get caught, so if anyone gave me shit for it, they're an idiot. Alright, so basically I was getting on track with paying everything I owed on since I was making more money working at intel, so needless to say I was fucked because I didn't get another job for a couple weeks. Its amazing how far behind you can get in what seems like such a short time. Now I work for a delivery company called Senvoy. I'm an on-demand driver and basically I just drive around all day picking up things and dropping them off. I drive my own car but they reimburse you for fuel and slight wear and tear on the vehicle, etc. Most of the work I do is just delivering shit for title and mortgage companies, etc, but I've delivered other types of stuff too. We drive all over the area too.. like the other day I went and picked up 3 orders from Sysco foods in wilsonville, and it was close to 300 lbs.. I dropped part of it downtown portland, then had to drive out to the casinos in La Center to drop the other stuff, and yeah I get paid more for long distances and things that weigh more like that. So anyway, the job is pretty cool.. nothing that I imagine doing for THAT long, because the plan is to go back to intel.. and how? you may ask. Well I had no idea of expungement of a record until the background dept. at intel told me about it.. so when I looked into it and did some research, it turns out I can more than likely have the record expunged and taken off my record and legally say it didn't happen.. and including everything I need to do, it should only cost a little over 100 dollars. Now, if I would have known about this earlier I wouldn't have the problem I have now, so yeah, that sucks ass because I could have been working there still, but after I have it expunged I'll reapply. Yeah, so since I started my new job on the 11th of July, it was 4 days from the end of the pay period.. so I only got 4 days of pay, then had to wait two weeks till the 1st of august to get 300 bucks.. yay. So my rents, and my sister had to pay for my bills and now my car decided that the radiator and the water pump need to be replaced, so we need to order those and my dad and I are going to put them in.. they wanted to charge over 600 bucks at the shop.. but we can do it for about 225. Obviously I'm not comfortable with paying everything yet, but I get a 500 dollar sign up bonus next thursday, and I get a full paycheck a few days later so I should be on top of it soon, but it has been a goddamn pain in the ass to say the least. Anyway, I'll post sometime a little later to talk about cool stuff, opposed to this shitty stuff.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Revenge of the Sith
Alright, I decided to express my opinion about star wars real briefly since I saw colin's post. So I'm not the type of guy who says people are morons because they don't like the same movies as me, I'm not an idiot.. however, people who go and see movies they already aren't looking forward to, and don't necessarily like, then write a shitty review about how it sucked ass piss me off. I just think they like to be the one on the opposite side of the fence so they can get more attention.. well I tell you what, I'd like to bean you in the head with a baseball for being such a douchebag. Here's the thing, I've always liked Star Wars.. I've read the history of Star Wars and also have read all the episodes including 7,8, and 9. Now, the big thing people are bitching about regarding episode 3 is that the dialogue isn't that great.. ok, NO SHIT.. since when is this a huge change.. its always been like that, go watch 1,2,4,5, and 6 and tell me I'm wrong. I would like to point out that #1. Lucas has never been that great at writing dialogue for these movies, and #2. Its supposed to be this way with Star Wars because its always been like that.. I'm starting to sound redundant, but so are the FEW bad reviews bitching about bad dialogue, you wine cooler sippin..gerbil molesting..retard ballerinas. Ok, so heres the deal.. if you like Star Wars, and don't bitch about episodes one and two being shitty, then you will thouroughly enjoy episode 3 because in my opinion its the best one so far and kicks major fuckin ass! I went and saw it at midnight when it came out, then again the next day it ruled so much. If you don't like Star Wars, DON'T SEE IT, and spare me the lame ass comments about how it sucks.. because in actuality, you're the ones who suck, douchebags.. go review a movie you at least have some interest in.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
I was bored and decided to google my name, I came up with this: my moms and my name were put on this list wow! they should pay me or something. stardust microchip
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Do not fear.. I is here.. and I fucking rule
So I attempted to post one of my usual giant posts last week, and after I copied it, I accidentally copied something else then when I hit back the page fucked up and I was left with blank space and nothing to paste to it. So I said fuck it because that took forever, kinda like this one will seeing as I tend to write about once a month. So as for stuff going on? well.. not a whole lot, I've watched a bunch of movies, but I've only seen a few in the theater. Sin City fucking rules and I've seen it twice already.. I haven't seen a movie that good in a long time, so I'm very pleased and eager for it to come out on dvd. The Ring 2 was ok, not as good as the first one.. but it had its moments, those that were good and those that blew. It was cool seeing them driving around astoria though even though I hate astoria, and funny to see how they made astor school the hospital and put the daily astorian down by the waterfront, for the scenery obviously.. because the hospital and the daily astorian are both in crappy locations. Also, my car is running good.. and despite having to pay a bunch of money for payments and insurance, it was a good decision in the long run I think. Here are a couple pictures of a car that looks like mine except I don't have the scoop hood, I don't have any pictures of my actual car yet sorry to say. 
So I haven't really been a game addict for the past several years for some reason.. I tend to get bored pretty easily now, so the only time I really play is if something really cool comes out and I just have a urge to play it, or I go visit Derek, in which case we play xbox all day. So I rented The Punisher because I read about it and it sounded really violent, and for some reason violent games keep my attention, though I'm as timid as a lamb so I don't get it! Anyway, its a pretty cool game in my opinion, it kept my attention and it was fun bludgeoning people and shooting them and stabbing them in the face, but the only drawback was when you do one of the special interrogations, and you decide you want to kill them even though you lose points.. it turns black and white, that sucks but oh well. go HERE if you want . Oh and my neighbor is a bitch, they play anything from lame ass hip hop to pink floyd and its hard to comprehend why.. although I think they listen to floyd when they're getting high.. what a shock. Like that whore knows anything about pink floyd, she sucks.. I'm sure the dudes who come over bring that music, along with eric clapton and.. the eagles.. but then back to hip hop, anyway.. the reason I'm bringing up music is because she plays this shit LOUD anytime of the day or night and I would like to smash her stereo with a bat. I am really losing faith in people and their lack of common sense these days.. its really taking its toll. I mean don't you know your bass carries? seriously, we can hear the music through the wall like it was in our own room, and matt is slammed with schoolwork and can't concentrate since her room is on the other side of his. The only reason we gave up on our numerous complaints was because we were told she was leaving in may, but now we've found that is probably not the case. For her sake, she better be moving or the shit is going to hit the fan.
Hey Nathan, remember this? You guys took my big screwdriver away from me but I don't know why, look at me, I was fine!
here are the rest: 1 2 3 4
So I haven't really been a game addict for the past several years for some reason.. I tend to get bored pretty easily now, so the only time I really play is if something really cool comes out and I just have a urge to play it, or I go visit Derek, in which case we play xbox all day. So I rented The Punisher because I read about it and it sounded really violent, and for some reason violent games keep my attention, though I'm as timid as a lamb so I don't get it! Anyway, its a pretty cool game in my opinion, it kept my attention and it was fun bludgeoning people and shooting them and stabbing them in the face, but the only drawback was when you do one of the special interrogations, and you decide you want to kill them even though you lose points.. it turns black and white, that sucks but oh well. go HERE if you want . Oh and my neighbor is a bitch, they play anything from lame ass hip hop to pink floyd and its hard to comprehend why.. although I think they listen to floyd when they're getting high.. what a shock. Like that whore knows anything about pink floyd, she sucks.. I'm sure the dudes who come over bring that music, along with eric clapton and.. the eagles.. but then back to hip hop, anyway.. the reason I'm bringing up music is because she plays this shit LOUD anytime of the day or night and I would like to smash her stereo with a bat. I am really losing faith in people and their lack of common sense these days.. its really taking its toll. I mean don't you know your bass carries? seriously, we can hear the music through the wall like it was in our own room, and matt is slammed with schoolwork and can't concentrate since her room is on the other side of his. The only reason we gave up on our numerous complaints was because we were told she was leaving in may, but now we've found that is probably not the case. For her sake, she better be moving or the shit is going to hit the fan.
Hey Nathan, remember this? You guys took my big screwdriver away from me but I don't know why, look at me, I was fine!
Sunday, March 20, 2005
you suck
just like this post.. but ya know what, eat my ass because I'll make a real one later today when my eyes are fully open.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
who cares about titles?
Is there really a need for a title when you post random thoughts on a blog? I assume we will all just continue to add titles because it would just seem wrong not to or whatever. Anyway, man sometimes I really am a lazy s.o.b. when it comes to updating this thing.. I mean, I'm on my computer all the time if I'm home but I guess after I get done reading shit in everyone elses blog, I'm too spent to actually write something of my own. Anyway, no one cares, so onto some random happenings in my life. First, my car rules.. and like I said when I had my crappy but usually dependable accord.. "Why do morons buy new cars and let them become dirty heaps of shit, if I had a nice car, I would definitely take care of it." And that is exactly what I'm doing so far, so I rule. Next, I bought a new mp3 player on ebay since my last one was jacked when some fuck busted the window out of my accord and stole it along with my gym clothes and headset from work.. who the hell steals used gym clothes anyway? what a tool. So the mp3 player is cool, rather than explain, here it is. I got it a few days ago, and I'm happy with it so far, its much better than my last one.. keep in mind I only use it at the gym, so there is no need to blow my money on an ipod with gigs of space I don't need. Also, since I work at ACS, and since Nike is one of our clients, we have the priviledge of going to the Nike employee store in beaverton, which I went to for the first time on thursday, and it was awesome. Not like I wear a bunch of sports gear around, but they have a lot of stuff I would like actually, including a bunch of hurley clothes. So anyway, I needed some new shoes for the gym, so I got these babys, which retail for $150 bucks, which I never spend on shoes, but at the employee store they were $80, and I've wanted some for awhile because they always seemed like they would be really fucking comfortable for working out in.. and wouldn't you know, I was right. On another note, something I don't quite understand is why this is on the nike job website... I mean really..why? I mean yeah I guess he is pretty important to nike but c'mon, a smaller picture would do just fine(make sure you click so it shows the whole picture, so you understand.) Napster again sucks, and the reason is that it is all protected by DRM unless you purchase the music. Now of course I usually just bittorrent to download everything for "educational purposes" anyway, but I was curious to see what the new napster was like.. since there was a free 2 week trial and all. It was pretty cool, and I downloaded a bunch of albums, really quickly I might add(by the way derek, comcast bumped us up to a 4mb line now, just thought you should know.. how is the speed in gearhart these days anyway?) So anyway, I attempted to put the music on my mp3 player not realizing it was protected, and so it just errors out and I can't play them and it blows, so napster sucks. Speaking of free trials, I also signed up for the 2 week trial for blockbuster online, which isn't as good as Netflix I might add, not yet anyway.. well except the price is cheaper. The closest distribution center is in seattle though so it takes an extra day to get there and back, unlike netflix. So thanks to Derek giving me a dvd burner, I have taken the liberty of burning many a dvd's recently and am having a great time! Hell, out of all the movies I've burned, I've probably only watched a maybe 3 since I'm busy all the time.. but I will say that "Saw" was a pretty cool movie. I'm going to stop talking now because this is way too long, and I'm sure boredom set in about half a page up, so until next time which should be sooner, later losers!
Monday, January 31, 2005
farewell old friend
I would be referring to my Honda of course. Yes I finally got a new car on monday and picked it up on tuesday.. and damn was it stressful. So on monday I went to Thomas auto sales in Hillsboro and ended up driving a few cars around and picked one out. My new car is a 2000 Pontiac Grand Am GT and its great and I really like it so far. Its all black, has leather interior, has a nice 6 speaker stereo system including factory tweeters in the a pillars which is really cool, and I'm really impressed with the sound. The only gripe I have is the cd player has some issue most likely with the lense, because it skips the cd all over the place.. yet its not that big of a deal because I just bought a new cd/mp3/wma player a few months ago and I'm going to install it anyway. Another cool thing is the steering wheel has the stereo controls integrated into it.. but I'm not sure how or if thats going to work with my new deck, but then again it has a remote anyway so whatever. The car is in great shape.. and the only minor flaws I've seen are the few little rock chips on the hood.. but there aren't many. The paint is in awesome shape, yet when they waxed it last time they didn't get all the shit out of the cracks so I'm gonna do a complete work over in about a week or so. It has every option available when it came out as far as I can see, and the power moonroof is awesome. Its really fast too, its got the 3.4 liter v6 with Ram Air and has dual exhaust, 2 tips on each side too.. it has 175 hp I believe. Overall I'm really happy because its sporty and fast, plus its got plenty of room for passengers and cargo, and its got the leather interior, which also happens to be in great shape.. doesn't look like many people even sat in the back. From what I was told, it belonged to a business guy who drove back and forth to seattle all the time, so its mainly freeway miles which is nice.
Anyway, I did the deal on monday, but had to wait till tuesday because I had to bring in my honda as a trade.. which they actually gave me 1800 dollars for, haha. The thing is, I told them my car was starting to have engine problems and it wasn't in the best shape.. of course it wasn't that bad either and the inside has always been nice. The car had been sitting for a week and I was driving my sisters truck.. the reason behind that you can find in my last post. So I was really stressed because I had to drive the goddamn thing from my place over 20 miles to hillsboro.. and the car had a hard time even starting.. not to mention as I was driving it started leaking more oil and the smoke was coming through my vents and out my exhaust as I was driving up 26. I was fucking paranoid because I figured it would crap out on me any second.. and then when I got off the highway I had to go through shitloads of stop lights which fucking sucks since I have to throw it into neutral at each one and hold the gas down so it doesn't die. So when I got to the dealership I coasted in and rolled into a spot and it sputtered and died. So I got it there and was relieved but kind of nervous because they gave me a lot for the trade sight unseen and the car obviously isn't worth near 1800. It barely started when the guy was doing the trade in checklist. All I can say is whatever, because car dealers pull shit on people all the time and its not like I lied about the car sucking ass... so after that I finished the deal and drove the fuck outta there! I didn't even leave the stereo or speakers, haha.. hell I paid for all of that.
I've been through a lot with my old accord since I got it back in 98, it was my first and only car until now.. but it was its time, it was 18 yrs old and time was taking its toll on everything, hopefully they do something worthwhile with it, even if that means parting it out.
Anyway, I did the deal on monday, but had to wait till tuesday because I had to bring in my honda as a trade.. which they actually gave me 1800 dollars for, haha. The thing is, I told them my car was starting to have engine problems and it wasn't in the best shape.. of course it wasn't that bad either and the inside has always been nice. The car had been sitting for a week and I was driving my sisters truck.. the reason behind that you can find in my last post. So I was really stressed because I had to drive the goddamn thing from my place over 20 miles to hillsboro.. and the car had a hard time even starting.. not to mention as I was driving it started leaking more oil and the smoke was coming through my vents and out my exhaust as I was driving up 26. I was fucking paranoid because I figured it would crap out on me any second.. and then when I got off the highway I had to go through shitloads of stop lights which fucking sucks since I have to throw it into neutral at each one and hold the gas down so it doesn't die. So when I got to the dealership I coasted in and rolled into a spot and it sputtered and died. So I got it there and was relieved but kind of nervous because they gave me a lot for the trade sight unseen and the car obviously isn't worth near 1800. It barely started when the guy was doing the trade in checklist. All I can say is whatever, because car dealers pull shit on people all the time and its not like I lied about the car sucking ass... so after that I finished the deal and drove the fuck outta there! I didn't even leave the stereo or speakers, haha.. hell I paid for all of that.
I've been through a lot with my old accord since I got it back in 98, it was my first and only car until now.. but it was its time, it was 18 yrs old and time was taking its toll on everything, hopefully they do something worthwhile with it, even if that means parting it out.
Monday, January 24, 2005
my car sucks
So I thought I'd make another post about my car sucking ass. I haven't been able to drive it for over a week now, and I had to make a trip to corvallis with my dad to pick up my sisters truck and have been driving it all week. I'm pissed because my parents helped me out when the original engine I had in my car blew up a couple years ago, and they paid for one of those crate engines to be shipped from japan and had it installed. Then engine probably had about 30 thousand miles on it, and I've put another 26 thousand or so miles on it in the past couple years, and I thought nothing of it. Anyway, the engine cost over a grand to ship and have installed and it only had a 6 month warranty on it which I wasn't too worried about because its a honda engine after all. Anyway, a few weeks ago it started acting up, whenever I'd come to a stop it would shut off so I was having to drive around and when I came to a stop I had to put it into neutral and keep my foot on the gas so it wouldn't die which was a real bitch I tell ya. So come to find out, its only running on 3 cylinders and one of my pistons is broken and I've also got a problem with oil coming up into my air cleaner and contaminating it with a pool of oil. So it fucking sucks because they say it could cost 2 to 4 times more than what I paid for my engine to get it fixed and obviously thats not worth it. I have went looking for cars a couple times already but wasn't set on what I wanted to do because 1. my credit isn't too great right now and 2. I wasn't sure how much I could really afford for payments and insurance together. I've decided after finding out from one place that they were going to finance me with an apr of 24%, that what I would do is get a car that costs about 5 grand or so, then after I pay on it for 6 months or so, build up my credit and then use the car as a trade in when I find a nicer car I'd like to have. So thats the plan right now, and tomorrow I'm gonna go look for a car and hopefully find one I like for that price. I hate car shopping and I hate when car salesman try to pull shit on people, and I have a very low tolerance for people who feed me bullshit.. and I've already experienced some of that, so hopefully I can get this shit done tomorrow and not become extremely annoyed in the process.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
working my ass off
So for the past week I've been working a shitload of hours at work because there are a couple of new bonus programs in effect plus there is usually always unlimited OT. Now I haven't actually taken advantage of all of this because 1. work sucks, and 2. I didn't want to because work sucks. I have started to look at this from a different angle and am now using it to my advantage so I can make a lot more money. The way it works, besides the unlimited OT.. is that for every 2 hours I work over my scheduled shift, I get an extra $10 bucks, and also.. they have 4 hour blocks you can work and get an extra $15 for each one, but the thing about that one is the hours have to fall into a block of time you aren't normally scheduled. So basically this week I started off by working on one of my days off, Sunday the 16th for 5 hours because I got up late. This day also happened to be the first day of the pay period, then I took monday off to go car shopping, but came in tuesday worked 8 hrs, then on wednesday I worked 10 hrs, and on thursday and friday I worked 12 hrs each.. and finally this saturday I worked from opening to close (4 am - 9 pm) which was 16 grueling hours. I've never worked that many hours in a day before and needless to say it sucked. So far I have over 74 hrs for the week, about 35 being overtime hours because I worked today for 11 hrs which is my day off. So anyway, I should end up working another 88 hours or so because I'll be working 12 hr days until the 31st, and next saturday I'm gonna try to pull off another 16 hr shift, so we'll see if I do. Anyway, seeing as most of you probably don't care as much about this as I do, all I will say now is that all those hours plus the bonuses that will be attached to all those hours shall give me a nice chunk of change when I get paid on the 10th, which will kick ass because I'll be able to pay off everything I owe on, almost everything anyway, and I plan on working a buttload of hours for the next few weeks so the check afterwards will be big as well.. hell I'll probably stick a lot of it in a savings account for once! I'm excited for all this
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