Friday, December 10, 2004

RIP Dime

I was pretty shocked when I found out the new that dimebag darrell had been shot and killed on stage on wednesday, I didn't find out till the next morning when a girl at work said her husband was depressed because his favorite guitar player of all time had just been killed, and I asked her who it was. I was very surprised because I just don't picture something that extreme happening so easily. Dimebag has done some goddamn amazing things with the guitar, and didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, but of course thats all changed. I've been reading a lot of articles about the shooting, and also a lot of statements issued by both fans and other music artists.. and it is without question that the guy was just awesome, both with his musical talent and also just as a person living life to the fullest. What happened wednesday night is complete and total bullshit, and makes me wonder how shit like this can still happen these days, and why? How is it so easy for these lunatics to just kill someone in cold blood for no fucking reason other than what they've come up with in their whacked out minds? Its good to know the piece of shit got it in the end, though I would have preferred they do something more "medieval" like putting him on the rack or perhaps draw and quarter him.

I know anyone who reads my blog aren't all fans of heavy metal, but I'm sure everyone accepts and respects someone so dedicated to their love and the people around them, that you all can see how sad and tragic this event is. He had been in bands with his brother Vinnie since the early 80's and they were both in Pantera, and recently Damageplan since the Pantera breakup. Vinnie plays drums, and imagine seeing that happen to your own brother right in front of you on stage or anywhere else.. I feel horrible for him, I couldn't even imagine something like that nor would I want to.

Anyway I'm gonna wrap this up, but even if you're not into heavier music.. you should at least listen to this guy play the fuckin guitar.. jesus man, he's awesome! I'd recommend "Cowboys from hell", "Vulgar display of power" and "Far beyond driven" by Pantera.. those albums really showcase his talents.. anyway, later! \m/


WNW said...

You know, it doesn't really surprise me too much that a guy named "Dimebag" got shot and killed on stage.

Rob said...

how would a nickname have anything to do with being shot? Perhaps if he didn't have a nickname he wouldn't have been shot? Because now that I think about it.. thats probably the reason the nut shot him.. actually its the only logical reason really. He probably had no idea who the guy was.. and probably didn't plan it out, but happened to be walking by the place with a gun and overheard someone say they liked dimebag darrell, so like any sane person would do, he says to himself "that guy has a nickname and it happens to be Dimebag.. therefore I shall shoot him!

WNW said...

Dude, his nickname was "Dimebag", if his nickname was "Markie" I doubt this would have happened. Not because of the name but because of the lifestyle that goes with the name.

Rob said...

what lifestyle are you talking about, you aren't even familiar with who he was or what he did, the fucking nickname had nothing to do with it.. I know you're not that dumb man

WNW said...

DUDE! Dimebag, you know what that means right?

Rob said...

DUDE, yeah I know what it means, he wasn't hooked on drugs.. he did booze it up though, wow what a shock, and if it was because of his so called "lifestyle" you speak of..since you know his background, why didn't it happen now and not long ago? how would HIS lifestyle have anything to do with a guy with psychological issues killing him. All I'm saying is you made a comment that I didn't agree with because it seemed irrelevent, but more than that.. it was someone I respected as a music artist and you made it sound like it was no big deal.

WNW said...

Why was he called Dimebag then? People die. Kurt died. It happens. If he had just stopped playing and became a stay at home dad you would never had known. The only reason you know he was still around was because some wacko shot him. His 15 minutes were up, he was playing a dive bar in Podunk USA. What is worse, to fade away or go out with a gunshot. For you and me I would say fading is better because we never burnt that bright. For him, someone who knew fame and was clawing to get it back, this might have been better.

Rob said...

ok first off, he wasn't a has been, he had been in one very successful band, Pantera.. and was beginning to climb up and establish damageplan in the same way.. Damageplan was established and had been doing very well, and they weren't playing at some dive bar.. As my friend Matt(also my roommate who was raised in ohio in that area) told me, the place was very popular for showcasing heavy metal bands, and in this case they were touring with two other established, well known, popular bands.. popular doesn't mean being on top of the top 40 with a bunch of no talent pop stars who can't sing and rappers who have lost their grasp on what the entire genre is based on and basically have been exploiting it for the past few years. And why would you settle down when you're doing something you love and doing a good job of it. lets skip the dimebag.. darrel was an awesome guy both in the rock community as well as with the general public and there are more than a few people to back that up. His 15 minutes weren't up, the guy was established since the early 80's and was still going strong, so don't talk to me like I don't know what I'm talking about man. He wasn't pissing his life away on drugs struggling to make it and not succeeding.. he was continuing with what he had been doing for the past 2 decades.. and that was showing how talented a musician he was and how he loved doing it night after night.

WNW said...

But why was he called Dimebag?

Big D Sims said...

ok kids, play nice. no more dimebag talk.

Big D Sims said...

Happy new year Ass Gasket, hope you are enjoying the new dvd burner and LCD

Anonymous said...

hey there metal muffer. i had some hookers hit me up on the strip last week. can you believe i'm bored of this place?

WNW said...

Hey Man Chowder, update you blog.

Also, what are you driving now?